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Начать бесплатную неделю Pornhub ПремиумMy name's Michael and I'm an awesome person to chat with, I'm 6ft tall with brown eyes & black hair....I am taken though buuut I am allowed to share my interest in liking feet....yes I do have a Foot Fetish, please don't put me down for it! Anywho, my significant other does not like her feet touched therefore I look for other feet to enjoy. I am damn good at foot massages, love socks especially cute ankle socks and if they're mismatched....even better, love small chubby feet & love blue toes! Other info about me....I'm always into experimenting new things, meeting new people & I'm pretty easy going. I'm a huge aviation guru....love airplanes & I am a Nascar Fan! I also like to chat with new people & especially if your a girl who likes your feet touched and massaged or played with....I'd like to hear about it & would like to hear from ya! Hit me up y'all!!
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