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Megan Salinas

Megan Salinas

Рожден: 1994-03-02
Место рождения: Texas, United States of America
Рост: 5 фитов 2 инчей (157 см)
Вес: 99 фунтов (45 кг)
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Все комментарии (50)

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10 лет назад
How is she not in the top 10 rank? She should be #1! She's perfect!
8 лет назад
10 лет назад
U are the most beautiful girl ive seen i wud love to do porn with u
10 лет назад
Very beautiful and has some of the Yummiest things to offer a man
6 лет назад
I would drag my balls through 1 million miles of broken glass across the sahara desert with rosie odonnell's queef as my only air supply just to get a whiff of her panties after they had been donated to a thrift store and used as a cum rag by a HIV positive homeless man.
5 лет назад
LMAO You win the internet dude!!! Funny but I would too
10 лет назад
Megan I think I may be a little bit in love with you! You have a perfect pussy, I could leave my head in there for days to please you!
6 лет назад
hottest Latina in porn
10 лет назад
i am so in love with you Megan
6 лет назад
Why aren't we getting new vids of her Have she left porn completely
6 лет назад
Yeah she has back in 2013 but i heard shes in rice university in Houston
7 лет назад
please new film
6 лет назад
7 лет назад
You are absolutely unbelievably gorgeous. Give anything to be with you
8 лет назад
Would love to see her in group action.
10 лет назад
She is one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. I heard that she has retired. Is that true?
4 лет назад
Shy 神 love love lovelooooooooveeeerr
9 лет назад
She´s by far the hottest girl I´ve ever seen. Wonderful tits with puffy nipples and an incredibly sexy vagiina designed to milk a mans semen out of his penis! I´d like to see much, much more of her vaginal milking action!
9 лет назад
Megan is so damn sexy
5 лет назад
Are u from the valley?
10 лет назад
Once..if i find u..i fuck u hard..if i need i use xd
2 месяцев назад
Ur the best! love
2 месяцев назад
wow amazingly hornty as a fck. 3
1 год назад
2 лет назад
Kochanie bardzo mi się podobasz wyrucham się lepiej niż na twoich filmach chcę napisać tylko się odezwij
3 лет назад
Hi megan salinas serious relationship sex
3 лет назад
Very sexy babe....
3 лет назад
♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We know you LOVE SEX and we hope ypu start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos 🙂
5 лет назад
Hi Megan. I'm a Pisces too. March 6th is my birfday. We should celebrate together 🙂 kisses to you my sweet!
5 лет назад
Hi, I want to book you for my next visit in US, for 2 days. How to contact you?
5 лет назад
I'm going to Austin in October and would like to meet you.
5 лет назад
I was just talking with you on
5 лет назад
You are my favorite pornstar
5 лет назад
I was just talking with you on
6 лет назад
hello hirodi rose I would like to know when it comes to mexico or I can hire him I pay 1500 $ Mexican money if you like or want $ 2500 I pay that if you come to Mexico D: F I would like to have a hot night with you Miss I like your videos and more when he moans my penis gets hard when I watch his videos
6 лет назад
beautiful i marry you with my love
6 лет назад
Te amo eres la mejor
6 лет назад
Megan my tongue is thirsty for your asshole and pussy....I will lick and clean it ...really please try me...
7 лет назад
Saludos, estas bien hermosa
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
I wood love to be in a video with megan salinas
7 лет назад
How do I subscribe to her?
7 лет назад
Every time I jerk off, I picture you giving me a handjob
8 лет назад
I wish she would upload some girl guy stuff for the premium members
8 лет назад
my cock always waits for your pussy haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa
9 лет назад
I am from the RGV, Meg, You still on FB McAlllen?
9 лет назад
Has she retired?
10 лет назад
she is so.hot i want to.fuck you
10 лет назад
You have Played in the movie adanali i was watching the film and i saw you today on atv
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