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Eva Angelina

Eva Angelina

Рожден: 1985-03-14
Место рождения: Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Рост: 5 фитов 3 инчей (160 см)
Вес: 119 фунтов (54 кг)
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Все комментарии (48)

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10 лет назад
whatever anyone may say, you will always remain the one for my pleasures. i wish i could live my fantasies with you 😜
10 лет назад
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
I want to drain my balls all over eva every night & day
8 лет назад
Eva is in my tops list, she also had a sense of humor and was pretty smart. She kinda reminds me of a classy version of Alexis Amore, For sure in the top list with Gauge, Belladonna, Aurora Snow and so many more. Also she looks really hot when she is wearing glasses 🙂
9 лет назад
Eva where are youuu??? I love watching your videos, You're THE hottest and most energetic Pornstars out there.
6 лет назад
That bangin' body!
10 лет назад
Her pussy looks like a wad of chewed bubblegum, but I would give my left hand for a night in her bed.
5 месяцев назад
112 Millwood Drive, Salley, SC
3 лет назад
I masturbate to exhaustion thinking about making love to you
3 лет назад
Love Eva Angelina so fucking edible
3 лет назад
♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We hope that you LOVE SEX and start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos 🙂
3 лет назад
Eva you are a very sexy woman you should do a pegging video and I would gladly be the one to bend over for you
4 лет назад
I lover your nose.yummy delicious
4 лет назад
how can I talk with Eva?
5 лет назад
Eva Angelina and the others. That's the brief summary of porn industry.
5 лет назад
I honestly am sick of amateur pornstars. Sex is about love, not money. Money is nothing when you have it. Love. Desire. Passion is all that matters. Figured you might understand me.
5 лет назад
You will always be my favorite all time 😍🤩😍
5 лет назад
best pornstar ever
6 лет назад
My favorite pornstar forever.
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
Eva Angelina is the best MILF from California. 
6 лет назад
You are the greatest dick sucker on this planet.
6 лет назад
love you eva..you are the best for me always
6 лет назад
one of the first pornstars i fapped to.. ahh memories.. 🙂
7 лет назад
Eva Ranked 235 what a joke. Eva in my list youre ranked nr 1 and you been for a long time. I would spend a fortune for an hour or two with you. You are the best.
7 лет назад
Hi Eva Alexla1@yahoo.com 3
7 лет назад
You are by far my favorite i still remember the very first porn video i watched was your secretary videos your name its self gets my cock hard and fat. If there is anything I can do to meet you Eva Angelina please please please let me know anybody that can help me meet her please help fucking Eva Angelina is #1 on my bucket list
7 лет назад
Eva is pretty face. Goddess
7 лет назад
I would be able to eat her pussy for hours
7 лет назад
This lady is the most beautiful's women I've ever seen
7 лет назад
She is so fucking hot. 
7 лет назад
I want to marry you, fuck you all day and be your slave!
9 лет назад
Eva is definitely one of my favorite pornstars ever, glad to see she's back in the industry! She has the best reverse cowgirl the world has ever seen! if anybody knows somebody better… I'd love to see it, haha. 
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
Eva Angelina to najlepsza,najladniejsza,najsexowniejsza aktorka filmów porno🙂 l
9 лет назад
Woman is very exciting and I love her and I hope having sex with her
9 лет назад
could you handle my dick
9 лет назад
You have been my fav porn star for as long as I can remember and your more beautiful now than ever before!!
9 лет назад
Eve you are the most extraordinary sexyy hot women I layed eyes even when Im not thinking about you I'm thinking about you and you make my cock want to explode I would love to explode it in you
9 лет назад
Love her wish she done more smoking vids
10 лет назад
This cock sucker right here is the reason I like watching whore take a cock in the mouth. Before watching her videos I didn't like bj scenes, but watching her suck a cock changed that! Haha
10 лет назад
10 лет назад
ranked 59 wtf lol
10 лет назад
How in the WORLD is she ranked 59th!?
10 лет назад
Does anybody know where I could find one of her first scenes with NA? It was something to do with coming into her boss' office and stealing money out of his desk. Something to that effect.
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