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Antonio Biaggi

Antonio Biaggi

Рожден: 1978-06-10
Место рождения: Puerto Rico
Рост: 5 фитов 10 инчей (178 см)
Вес: 149 фунтов (68 кг)
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Все комментарии (156)

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9 лет назад
Antonio Biaggi your an amazing handsome man. I'd love to meet you
9 лет назад
He's so sent it hurts! I would love the feeling of his balls smacking my assignment
10 лет назад
he visto unos de sus videos y me parecen ser muy interesantes Felicidades amigo from México
6 лет назад
Greetings from Venezuela, I want to participate in the gay porn industry
8 лет назад
Your Puerto Rican .I wasnt sure but I do fantasize enjoying that nice dick of yours as a gay porno superstar . If I have the luck to get my Rican sweet ass eaten and fucked dearly by you I def. Say yeah. Even though In my mind im still saying me me is my turn with him lol excuse me.Yo me atrevo darte las nalgas i los babies bien profundo.make me go outch cojelo suave i despues como tu saves .estas lindo!
4 лет назад
Would loveto make a porn with you for my birthday! Hit me up its next month.
5 лет назад
Fuck... I love you 😋
8 лет назад
9 лет назад
Antonio Biaggi , david vasey from Everton , liverpool. England l
3 лет назад
I think Biaggi is the reason I started to really appreciate nuts. Close your eyes and focus on the sound of daddies nuts against your ass knowing they're full of cum and ready to be unloaded deep inside you. "Cum dumpster" is a compliment to me! Love watching a nice set of balls bouncing and slapping against ass..RAW. The sound of a precum lubed butthole pounded w/ nuts against ass is hypnotic
3 лет назад
Saw him for the first time today I'm hooked This dude is definitely a powerhouse
4 лет назад
Fantastic! Such a strong good looking top and a cock to match! Would feel so good to give you my ass!
5 лет назад
How do I find out if you hire yourself out for private functions
5 лет назад
I'm straight but like the feeling of being used by men .I have a great sex chemistry with pleasing and cameras I would like to show me personally in a group vid chat if you or more guy's like you are interested not in it for money or fame just like it
5 лет назад
Antonio biaggi is fucking hot I want to marrie him so bad with that big dick and nice ass
6 лет назад
Papi I beg you shove sus cojones en mi culo!
7 лет назад
I want to work with you....?
8 лет назад
he can chain me up as his slave any time
8 лет назад
Can someone tell me how to get my friend into the stall so I can fuck him
8 лет назад
As much as I love to top, even I would respectfully bottom for this awesome sexual god!
8 лет назад
Hey Antonio Michael Glennon here I am wondering how do I create my own porn channel like you have I really want to create my own and I don't know how to please let me know and I would really like to be trained by you I am a fast learner.
9 лет назад
Otro boricua =) te quiero ver haciendo video porno con eructos!! 
9 лет назад
Dam Luv your videos wouldn't mind doin a video with you too anytime your in Los Angles im ready and willing
10 лет назад
when can i have you please lol
9 лет назад
Antonio I would anything to meet u let me know I'm a bttm
7 месяцев назад
8 месяцев назад
fuck id luv to be pounded by him sexy big dick and does it bare call me!!
1 год назад
Is this really you Antonio running this page ? If so please fuck me . I’m just an oral slut . But I’m ready to be a bottom boy . And if I’m gonna do it it’s gonna be the best hottest man & dick ever . I love you papii . I wanna worship you
2 лет назад
omg id love to suck your fat cock till you cum all in my throat i swear
2 лет назад
God man I want to spend hot time with you. I really wish to play with your cock&balls and be fucked and loaded by you
3 лет назад
Awesome performer. I wish I knew if he escorts and if he travels. The bio says he's a "serious scout, keeping his eyes out for the next piece of gay ass he wants to fuck...". I know he must get so many crazy offers, but if he happens to see this and takes me seriously, I'd be up for him to play with. His vids are all about him pleasuring some hot bottom guy. I'd like to spend time with him and make sure he was pleasured like HE wants it, not how I want it.
3 лет назад
Like have a video with you
3 лет назад
papi is you need a pussy hole to fuck on avideo please . let me know
4 лет назад
4 лет назад
Hi is so fucking hot stud. It's a dream of mine to be able to meet him and get used by him all day and night long
4 лет назад
whenever you are near DC hit me up...you and your friends always have a place to stay...and if y'all fuck (cock, toys, fist) the hell out of my willing ass as a thank you so be it!
4 лет назад
Quero de fodido por você Antônio
4 лет назад
i would to be your bottom bitch scene or contact relly with you iam from Marseille i like to be hard bottom with you and your many friends
4 лет назад
I love this man 👅❤
4 лет назад
5 лет назад
Now his another one of those gorgeous men that achingly everyone who loves their ass fucked deeply I’d certainly love to be planted by Mr Biaggi however I’m sure that’s just apioe dream of mine (though if he WAS keen hey I’d do it in less then a second).
5 лет назад
You are so sexie
5 лет назад
Always wanted to feel those balls slap against me like I see in your vids 😉 Sexy man
5 лет назад
I want his dick inside my guts
5 лет назад
I wanna fuck him with that nice ass he has we can do a raw flip flop fuck
5 лет назад
god save the king ;p 🙂
5 лет назад
Antonio biaggi your a sexy man I want to married u
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
I want your dick badly Sir.
5 лет назад
Dam papi you can use me anytime.
5 лет назад
Thanks for countless happy hole JO sessions... if only porn could simulate ball slapping, cuz yours look amazing. Own me any time Sir 😉
5 лет назад
Gostoso, sonho com este macho todas as noites te desejo muito.
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
I heard he's a really nice guy too. Can anyone verify that?
6 лет назад
I like to have your cock in my hole
6 лет назад
Omg,wow so big (how many inches is he 12,13?????)
6 лет назад
i want to take his big load on my face!!!
6 лет назад
شارك ما تعتقدهhow I can got you?
6 лет назад
Antonio your beautiful cock is so long that when you fuck me it will go up my ass straight to my heart and then up and out my throat. That's how long your pingo is
6 лет назад
Por favor Papi yo olvido don't clean su pingo largo o cojones con deodorants. I want that to smell that maravilloso cock odor
6 лет назад
All I know is you better read my posts. Fate will bring us together somehow
6 лет назад
Long live your pingo largo and may you shoot your cum to the ceiling and all the way across the room
6 лет назад
Your cock mi amor in photo looks harder than a rock!!! Su pingo largo es Dios! I will worship it! I
6 лет назад
What a beautiful big Puerto Rican uncut tool you got for me.
6 лет назад
Deseo lick, mamar y besar su pingo largo y sus cojones grandes para horas sin cessar!
6 лет назад
Papi I wanna chupar y hacer punetos a su pingo largo!
6 лет назад
Supeme Puertoriqueno long superhard pingo que deseo!
6 лет назад
Antonio Biaggi's beauiful tool(an brw
6 лет назад
Number of telephone...Yes please...♡
6 лет назад
Woof... you can work my hole. Dam would love to have you wreck my holed
6 лет назад
i think what a nice big cock wishing i had one like him i think i am jealous so i will suck it in my sheer taupe pantyhose make love to it
6 лет назад
Antonio i want you in my mouth so satisfying in my all nude sheer skin tight pantyhose
6 лет назад
Ricardo Lopez very interested work with you and have great Opportunity work porn job I Available now
6 лет назад
Email me ricardoriveralopez1@gmail.com Mobile :267-414-6357 Ricardo Lopez
6 лет назад
We had great time Antonio Biaggiyears ago when I have 33years old Hotspicy Bottom Puerto Rican guy from Crew Club Washington DC was one day Sunday 6pm 2003
6 лет назад
hot guy......white smooth cock hungry bottom here in atlanta ga....love sucking dick, getting fucked,....all time fav is bottom in gang bangs..being tag teamed, double fucked, ...gang banged by dom B B...loading my holes  706 300 2050
6 лет назад
I wanna fuck with u , u hav littler dick
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
I love it when Antonio fucking bare en creampie  a guy and then he fucking whats longer
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
Would damn love to spend a night with you! Sexy man!
6 лет назад
God daddy ' i could only dream to have the chance to work with you' in a skit . Im barley starting out in this industry' so if it ever happens to happen.. id would be the nut of your life' id have so much to learn from you.. ill be as submisive as you want me to be.
6 лет назад
Top notch man. Super hot and a pro!  
6 лет назад
Antonio. You are absolutely amazing. Super hot guy. Amazing talent. Saw you on zoom last night. You're hot Antonio.
6 лет назад
Where can a guy find u biaggi?
6 лет назад
hello dear Antonio 😉 I dream about you, and your beautiful dick 😜 i love
6 лет назад
I love your big dick and your balls cute 😜Comparte lo que piensas
6 лет назад
I wouldn’t ever complain about his job as long as he puts one in me every night when he comes home.
7 лет назад
Hello there Antonio Biaggi my name is Tony and I love your sexy body and I would love meet you In person and do a video with you on my birthday is March 2 and I am going to be 29 age old and that is one of my dream to do a video on my birthday if you want to see any of my pictures please email is tonyzelaya243@gmail.com or text me at(832) 341-0470 if I do this is going to be my first time and I will be happy
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
a very handsome man and i love to watch his nuts slapping when he screws. i imagine myself being fucked by him. Love You. 
7 лет назад
I want to see more piss videos from him. They are so hot. Wish there were more of him pissing in a guys ass and the sucking the piss out and swapping it with a poppered up bttm. Ultimate fantasy right there.
7 лет назад
People say it don't hurt when you get fuck with lube
7 лет назад
i didnt know he is a mutitalent hahah :* https://www.vice.com/de/article/avqpg5/wir-haben-mit-einem-hetero-gesprochen-der-in-schwulenpornos-mitspielt-592
7 лет назад
I want be fuck with him!
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
Damn, that cock is definitely something to be proud of and grateful for. He's got a nice ass too
7 лет назад
He knows how to hit it.
7 лет назад
Antonio me gustaría conocerte y saber si grabarías un vídeo conmigo, me gustaría chupar tú polla
7 лет назад
nagyon jó a pasi tudja a dolgát
7 лет назад
Can you help me to make some money
7 лет назад
ANY REAL ADVICE WHERE I CAN AUDITION FOR MONSTER COCKS OF THIS SIZE AND KING LIKE CHARACTER!!! Want a career as pussy baby femine boy for all 12 plus cock massive fat hot balls for godzilla shooting breeders! Im serious thanks in advance. LOOKING FOR A AUDITION NEAR GREENVILLE SC
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
One of my all time favourites AND the very guy that made me curious about guys after watching one of his movies. Love you man, you're PERFECTION x X x
7 лет назад
What was first time like?
7 лет назад
I want you to stick that dick in my mushy guts
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
Great porns movies  love it 
7 лет назад
I always wanted him to fuck me
7 лет назад
Fuck I would love to work for him
8 лет назад
Your my favorite porn star
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
He estado esperando para obtener entre las piernas ur y el servicio de que la polla de la suya al max.I sólo tiene que tener .. Todavía estoy viviendo en la isla PR macho .. después de todo, tengo que tener mi gusto De ello sir.we lo merece ... hhhhmmm
8 лет назад
He estado esperando para obtener entre las piernas de ur y el servicio de ese gallo de yous al max.I sólo tiene que tener .. Todavía estoy viviendo en la isla PR macho .. después de todo, tengo que tener mi gusto De ello sir.we lo merece ... hhhhmmm
8 лет назад
Fuck antonio ur one of my favorite gay porn star ... Ill be happy to let u breed me any time ...
8 лет назад
He can fuck me anytime he wants and nut inside me
8 лет назад
wahouuuuuuuu quel longue et grosse bite mmmmmmmmmm ça doit être super de la sucé et de l'avoir  dans mon cul 
8 лет назад
te amooooooooooo
8 лет назад
Wiel mit dijq porno machem
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
my fave!!! would love to see him bottoming tho
8 лет назад
wish I was 18 again and a virgin so I could give you my ass for the first raw fuck... and id still like to bottom for you and some others in a BB video so I can get some dirty cum in my hole in a video... Love breeding videos and Id give anything to bottom in one for some toxic poz tops.
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
dear nice to meet you sorry am always off line i will like you to write me through my emal there i will know you better and tell you more about my self , adorazingerr1 @ gmal cm
8 лет назад
Me mola que follas; con ser un día en unas de tus peliculas.
8 лет назад
LOL, just changed my pic to show "Biaggi's." My favorite! Although why he's opened an Italian restaurant in Illinois is beyond me. 🙂
8 лет назад
I want this guy to creampie my hole
8 лет назад
You're seriously my soaked wet dream.
8 лет назад
i want sex with you,9087097425.ima india,tamilnadu,thiruvarur, i want y cock, fuck me please
8 лет назад
I love you antonio fuck me please i love your dick
8 лет назад
Antonio Biaggi es maravilloso
8 лет назад
che bono che sei teso
8 лет назад
WOW  I don't think I could take your huge cock but boy you are beautiful . Love to taste your load tho
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
Message me please
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
I LOVE PRICKShare what you think
8 лет назад
mi piace cosi in offerta 
8 лет назад
you have a beautiful cock, i would love to have you use me anyway you want
8 лет назад
cogeme bien duro!!
8 лет назад
Eres un Chico muy sexy. Papi chulo 😉 me encantan tus videos y tu forma de ser. I would love to get fucked by you, suck your dick, deep throat it, balls too, get dick slapped and receive a facial from you.
8 лет назад
im so fucking in love with Antonio. TE AMO MUCHO ANTONIO.
8 лет назад
Una alcapurria por favor... lla tu sabe. 😉
9 лет назад
im so in love with this man he looks just like me sweet man That pass a way in 2013 ???
9 лет назад
Fuck you make horny papi
9 лет назад
Antonio Biaggi, All I Can Say " Hot Man"
9 лет назад
Antonio!!! You are so hot!!! Message me please
9 лет назад
I love Antonio but would love to see flip at least once. Being a total top has some short comings in my opinion.
9 лет назад
Please!! Come fuck me!
9 лет назад
Antonio is definitely one of my favorite stars. Strong & powerful and knows how to fuck.
9 лет назад
If you can message me on jamiepanter1974@gmail.com
9 лет назад
Hey Antonio can you help me get started in gay porn and get fucked by some sexy black hunks with huge cocks
9 лет назад
Hola Antonio, siempre  sexo homo? o bi también??? besos!!! 
10 лет назад
you have to come to Australia...I would love to have a week of pleasure form you lol
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