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Alina Li

Alina Li

Рожден: 1994-09-08
Место рождения: Shanghai, China
Рост: 5 фитов 7 инчей (170 см)
Вес: 110 фунтов (50 кг)
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Все комментарии (86)

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9 лет назад
Shame she's out of the industry now. I love her though, she's so cute and sexy !
3 лет назад
She does anal but don't with great fun. In an interview she told that she fucking nice and straight cocks, 9inch
9 лет назад
ya she's out of the biz, and i don't blame her. A quote from her on Adult DVD talk forums: "The kink scene really pushed me out of the line and I told myself “that’s it, what’s the point of it? I am sick of this.” I do not blame the people at kink, they were doing their job. It was me that stopped enjoying it and loving it. I don’t believe I will make an return back to the business because...-see dickens link below for more
10 лет назад
is she out of the industry? someone tell me...
5 лет назад
Unfortunately... Here is something to make you feel better ... https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5adab83ec4da3
8 лет назад
10 лет назад
I dont think she is out of the industry. Maybe she has moved back to cozy vermont where whe grew up. Several friends of mine are also friends of hers and yes from China but grew up in vermont...... Wish i had met her but have some of her friends and they are just as awesome as i have heard she is....
7 лет назад
can u provide ma contact number if possible
10 лет назад
my favorite porn star :*
8 лет назад
i wann get marry with alina
10 лет назад
i love alina li....she cute and sexy
Dollar Keep
3 лет назад
Man what I could do with her I wish I had a chance with small Asian girl like her
6 лет назад
Alina my Goddess I love you 3
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
hi suck my boobs...........
9 лет назад
I'll suck the shit out of them for you what about that lol I'll suck the fart out of your ass what about that
10 лет назад
One of my favorite porn stars though she left the porn life!!
3 лет назад
suck my thick cock with balls
4 лет назад
4 лет назад
u have the greatest ass in the would
5 лет назад
Perfect in every way... flawless.
6 лет назад
I wish i could meet you Alina and bang you. or maybe just hang out for the day would be helllllla dope! anyways . Keep doin what u been doing. Big Fan.
6 лет назад
She's so beautiful
7 лет назад
All I need is one night with you ..you’re perfect
7 лет назад
You are the only one that I masterbate too, you're fucking unbelievable. You are the only one that gets me hard you are just the perfect girl looks wise and what you do in the bedroom wise it's just my heaven
8 лет назад
I simply adore Asian women. Your all just so little and cute.
8 лет назад
You're Fuckin Hott
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
Makes me sad every day that I don't know what this woman is doing these days because I'd make her my wife
10 лет назад
10 лет назад
i love alina li…hot newbie
7 лет назад
When lex picked her up and drove himself ballsdeep..... that was the best
8 лет назад
Hi alina li ur are my favorite porn star in the whole wide world and I wish I can talk to you and I really really love you and I really really like you I hope you read my message you are such a beautiful girl can I always dream about you I love you Xoxoxoxoxo. From Joshua James Gonzales My cell if u want to call me its 15055503477 or txt that ok too I really really like u Sweetie Xoxoxoxoxo
4 месяцев назад
1 год назад
I would marry her if I could.
1 год назад
2 лет назад
2 лет назад
Man i wish she would come back to shoot some VR porn it would be amazing. hell im shocked she didnt make her own site i am yet to meet anyone who did not love her videos.
2 лет назад
3 лет назад
Het meest geile Aziatische strakke kut die mijn pik keihard maakt
3 лет назад
3 лет назад
Love your work!
3 лет назад
♥We are a fun couple who LOOOOOOOVES to FUCK and gets off on sharing it with you babes! ♥ ♥ We hope that you LOVE SEX and start loving us ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE to us and LIKE our videos
4 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Take my virginity
5 лет назад
I am just curious if anyone knows where Alina went? Is she doing modeling or anything else? I can't find any info on what she is doing now she is out of Porn...
5 лет назад
Hi alina just want to tell u how much I would love to spend a night with u just me n you I love azn women
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
She's super hot, but that cheesy tattoo is a BIG turn-off...
5 лет назад
Ms. Li, I would like to be the first person for you to lose your anal virginity too.
5 лет назад
6 лет назад
In n en love woth KIng DomInIque
6 лет назад
Hey. You are nice. Sorry for the question. What company did you start in Shanghai? I'm looking for the boss of one of the companies in Shanghai. Her name is Yun (Luna), maybe you know?
6 лет назад
Belle, work harder to make your rate rise.
6 лет назад
I love your accent. So hot. Excellent content too.
6 лет назад
+49 178 8904636
6 лет назад
Sorry, she quit. I hope there will be more teeth touching when I have another woman with beautiful teeth.
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
yes she is now living with me and we'er madly in love, oh a person can dream
6 лет назад
wow yes yes yes Alina Li ,want to move in with me
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
2 лет назад
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
I'm sorry about your friend, and hope she's ok. Some of these assholes can be obsessive, and if they're a technological bully, all the worse. I wanted to say how beautiful she was before, and now. Give her my love, and after care. Kisses.
7 лет назад
Why were you crying? I know my words stumbled, and that other girl called me stupid, because of a note that was for someone else.
7 лет назад
she is so perfect and sexy! seriously wish i could get her for a weekend to play so I could die a happy man!
7 лет назад
Amen her bio is like yeah everything I thought of. I want to fuck the shit out of her and lick her asshole and put my tongue everywhere near her clit pussy and ass. She is so fucking nice.
8 лет назад
Where is the video where she says "Why are you sniffing my panties?". That was her best line ever. I can't find it anywhere.
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
You Du king Hot
8 лет назад
Hey  sexy ! 😉
8 лет назад
Have you ever had sex with serbian?
8 лет назад
She gives me yellow fever goddamn it should be me fucking her
9 лет назад
Alina. You are amazing. I really respect what you have done. Having dated an Asian before I know what it's like for an Asian girl growing up and how the father always prefer's a boy. You have a lot of guts to do what you're doing. Not sure what your relationship is like with your father but regardless of what he thinks I admire you for doing what makes you happy. You should visit Canada sometime Alina because we are very tolerant here. And our beer is stronger. You'd have even more fun up here.
9 лет назад
You are the greatest woman i seen and i thank u for what you've done
9 лет назад
I'm probably going to get banned for saying this but fuck itI would love me some Chinese takeout
10 лет назад
10 лет назад
So I have a suspicion that she's come back to the industry. If you check her Twitter page she's been updating it again. Can anyone confirm/deny?
10 лет назад
shame she quit so soon…..burned out and not an easy biz….have to say…i jacked it quite a few times watching her vids….not the best acting…as she just keeps saying shit…fuck….gets rather boring after 5 min or so…but that tat is hot and i love asian…caught yellow fever years ago and their is no cure…but i'm sure more hotties are lining up to break into the biz…heard it was her last vid w kink….weird shit but she worked for them before and not for everybody…only tia ling seems to love that shit
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