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Описание tsmith5150
Hello there and thank you for viewing our page. We are a mid 20s couple from Knoxville TN (if your not far away and would be interested in meeting up to make some videos with us message us and let's chat). male half is Logan he is 26 and loves to share me and loves to see me suck dick. I am cedes 24 and recently decided I loves to suck dick more than any thing. Also love sucking other guys for my fiance's and your pleasure. I enjoys being shared so if close by you could be next. We are gonna start working on some new videos very soon to post. And please comment and express your opinion of any content we post. Also guys if you are interested in a personalised video for a fee let us know and we can make it happen. And if you enjoy the content feel free to send us a tip anything will be greatly appreciated and go to buying better quality equipment. Hope you enjoy and maybe I'll hear from some of you all soon( do not try writing me on social media we will not answer)!!!
Семейное положение: Открыт(а) для всего нового
Заинтересован (-а) в: Парни и Девушки
Город и Страна: Knoxville, United States
Пол: Пара
Место Рождения: United States of America
Рост: 5' 7" (170cm)
Вес: 125lbs. (57kg)
Этничность: White
Цвет волос: Brunette
Искуственная Грудь: Нет
Тату: Yes
Пирсинг: Yes
Родной город: Knoxville
Интересы и хобби: Do not write me on any social media you will be blocked!
Заводит: Love 3 some and couple swapping
Не нравится: Don't know of many lmao no or urine or . And do not try to contact us outside of porn hub with out first talking about it here!
Просмотры видео: 4 351 216
Просмотры профиля: 668 539
Просмотренные видео: 154
Показаны 1-21 из 21


разблокировал новое достижение: "The Junior"
  • 0
разблокировал новое достижение: "The Archduke"
  • 0
разблокировал новое достижение: "6 year old account"
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разблокировал новое достижение: "5 year old account"
  • 1
1 год назад
  • 0
Эта публикация закреплена
написал(-а) сообщение

Looking for female

Looking for a female to collaborate toake content with if you are close to east Tennessee or willing to travel hit us up. If you are a guy under 35 in east Tennessee hit us up anything is possible.
  • 9
1 год назад
You guys got a fetlife acct?
  • 0
1 год назад
Hey male 30, close to south east tn. Well hung and ok with a bit of travel if needed
  • 0
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Looking for sexy local Jefferson county guy

Hey boys if you are close to Jefferson county TN and looking to have some fun must be clean local and cute and if you love eating pussy even better add me on snap chat only if local to east tn add on snap mhaggard56
  • 2
1 год назад
Added you
  • 0
2 лет назад
Live in Morristown! Love eating pussy I’m 27 and have a 9.5
  • 0
разблокировал новое достижение: "4 year old account"
  • 1
разблокировал новое достижение: "iFap"
  • 1
Эта публикация закреплена
написал(-а) сообщение

Looking for younger male near east tennessee to join in.

Hey haven't been active much lately. And have had quite a few people asking for new content. So looking for a younger good looking guy in or near east tennessee to cum join a three-way with us and get to enjoy being inside her warm mouth and super wet pussy. If you are interested send a message mist be ok with the sex being filmed.
  • 11
3 лет назад
Are you looking for someone new to make porn with? willing to travel to you
  • 0
3 лет назад
Live in north Knox. Message anytime
  • 0
3 лет назад
Not to far and seem to fit your request, message anytime.
  • 0
3 лет назад
I dont live too awful far away. If you're still looking, message me.
  • 0
4 лет назад
Interested guys
  • 0
4 лет назад
Still looking for someone?
  • 0
Эта публикация закреплена
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Psa!!! Looking!

Hey there just wanted to say we are looking for a guy 18-36 local to join us for some adult fun. Mmf 3way. Must be clean and STD free and cute if u are interested and close by message us
  • 10
4 лет назад
I’m in Knoxville and interested
  • 0
4 лет назад
I'm in Knoxville and looking for people to make videos with as well.
  • 0
4 лет назад
Close WNC very intrested message me
  • 0
4 лет назад
Boone, nc
  • 0
4 лет назад
  • 0
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