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Tim Truelove XXX
Tim Truelove XXX

Tim Truelove XXX

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Описание Tim Truelove XXX
I'm a decent looking ginger gay guy living in London. I try to stay in shape and look after myself so I look good when I film videos either on my own having a wank or with guys who will fuck me bareback on camera, then posting edited results on here for others to enjoy and earn us some cash too. I am mainly bttm and prefer being fucked BB and also enjoy getting fucked while HNH too.I always love finding men who will enjoy having a hot and horny time fucking me BB on camera. If anyone is in London or coming here soon and is up for filming with me then please message me and we can do it. I love to get fucked raw on camera by all different types of men as well as good looking men with big dicks. So please don't be shy if you're up for it and get in touch. Otherwise I hope everyone enjoys what I post (must post more).
Семейное положение: Одинокий
Заинтересован (-а) в: Мужчины
Город и Страна: London, United Kingdom
Пол: Мужской
Место Рождения: United Kingdom
Вклад: 7-9"
Рост: 6' 0" (182cm)
Вес: 73lbs. (33kg)
Этничность: White
Цвет волос: Auburn
Крайняя Плоть(обрезание): Uncut
Растительность на лице: Yes
Тату: Yes
Пирсинг: No
Родной город: Manchester
Интересы и хобби: I love to get fucked on video by anyone who will enjoy fucking me raw and shooting his load up me on camera. Getting fucked by different types of men and filming it gets me so turned on - I'm always hoping to get messages on here or Twitter from any men who will film hot scenes with me that we can then post on pornhub and other video upload sites too. If you can fuck me on camera yourself or introduce me to any of your friends or men you find online to fuck me, then please message me to sort it all out. I need to film and post a lot more content this year so please help!
Заводит: I am always up for getting fucked BB on live cam / video by anyone who enjoys that too, because it turns me on so much. If that's something you want to do please message me. Or if you know anyone who will fuck me raw on camera then please do message me with their details or ask them to get in touch so we can make that happen too. I have face masks and balaclavas for anyone who doesn't want to show their face on screen - so let me know if you'd need to wear one to do it. Please message me if you or someone you know will fuck me on camera. It turns me on more to get fucked on camera by all kinds of men and even more if anyone fucking me on camera does it after a friend helped arrange it. So it's not just something I do with good looking men with big dicks. So I prefer to do it with men who wouldn't expect to be filming porn. Please do get in touch if you're up for it or if you can offer a location to film in. Thanks!
Не нравится: I don't like men with attitude or anybody who likes to tell people what they should do or not - let's all just have fun and great sex! And I can't stand it when men can't follow simple instructions and turn up at the time I've said because I have things that need doing. Saying come at 2pm and them arriving at 1.35pm as if they're doing me a favour is so annoying because I won't be ready and they get arsey. Don't do it.
Просмотры видео: 7 696
Просмотры профиля: 8 107
Просмотренные видео: 2 113


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