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Sophia Model
Sophia Model

Sophia Model

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Просмотры видео
Семейное положение: Одинокий
Заинтересован (-а) в: Парни и Девушки
Город и Страна: Bogota, Colombia
Пол: Женский
Просмотры видео: 133 020
Просмотры профиля: 44 264
Просмотренные видео: 7
Показаны 1-4 из 4


разблокировал новое достижение: "1 year old account "
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Prophet"
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Duke"
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Squire"
  • 3
разблокировал новое достижение: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Freshman"
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1 год назад
translate. google. com/?sl=en&tl=es
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1 год назад
after they learn of what you do. I do not wish for you to manage this. I have created an account here, only to send you this message. I do not know who you are, and I shall not cause you any harm. Be very careful when you speak with another person on the internet. Be very careful. You are potential. Do not continue doing what you do here. *
  • 0
1 год назад
what is possible, and nothing can stop you from realising it. Please, I ask you. I wish you every success, and I know that you deserve better. It is easy for someone to cause you harm if you continue doing what you are doing here. If this is indeed what you wish to do, then it is okay, only after you reach the age where what you produce is no longer . I do not wish for you to manage these troubles whilst you are at school, or for you to manage your family and parents
  • 0
1 год назад
cameras, then develop the skill of photography. Sensibly. Ask your friends to dress wild and whacky, and get together for a photoshoot. If you do not have access to a camera, you could ask your family, or perhaps your school offers a photography class. After you have finished your years in school, you may wish to continue studying at university. Perhaps studying sounds boring and dull; it really isn't when you study something that excites you every day. Where you appreciate
  • 0
1 год назад
position. You should study. You should continue to study, at school, or in the libraries. If you aspire to become a model, then there are other ways of doing so that will cause you less harm. Read fashion articles and magazines, watch the videos on YouTube that are produced by fashion houses. D'ior, Givenchy, Maison Margiela. Continue to read. If you believe that it is possible, then I also believe you too. Continue to study in school. If you wish to work with
  • 0
1 год назад
because of your age. These activities may also cause you harm in the future. For example, if someone is able to identify who you are, your name and where you live, they may decide this content to bla ckmail you. This is where you are asked to do something, that you may not want to do, and feel pressured into doing so, because otherwise they would do something that you would not like them to do. This is not a good position to be in, and I do not want for you to be in such a
  • 0
1 год назад
Hello Sophia, I think that this is not something you should be doing. I understand that you may hope to become a model one day. This is great: it is good to be ambitious and have aspirations. I think you should continue to challenge yourself and discover what your potential is, and what is possible for you. I don't believe this is the best way to achieve your aspiration. The activities that you do, and the content that you produce, is actually for others to appreciate
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