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Описание SirCockConnoisseur
Just your favourite friendly neighbourhood smut connoisseur, here to deliver adequately made reviews of your favourite porn videos, mostly just for entertainment purposes (and profit, if I can manage it) though I shall still be putting my heart and soul into the work regardless. If you have a query or there is a video you'd like me to take a look at, feel free to email me. On the other hand If you are feeling particularly generous, feel free to send some love using the link above, cheers lads, I look forward to seeing you in the comments section :)
Семейное положение: Одинокий
Заинтересован (-а) в: Девушки
Город и Страна: Plymouth, UK, United Kingdom
Пол: Не найдено
Место Рождения: England
Этничность: White
Интересы и хобби: Filth of every shade and variety
Заводит: Good camera angles and sound design, nothing makes me harder (professional speaking) than a well presented bit of digital filth to consume and criticise.
Не нравится: Bad camera and audio work
Просмотры профиля: 3 621
Просмотренные видео: 2 901

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Hey lads, if you have any video suggestions or just want to throw some appreciation my way, use the link below, cheers.
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Review 215

My one hundredth and fifteenth review is up, check it out below
I have always been rather prone to illness, especially during winter, I seem to have a new malady at least monthly during the yuletide, this latest one has been especially unpleasant however. I have spent the better part of the last 2 weeks with my anus doing it's best impersonation of a lava spewing volcano! Honestly chaps, it's a miracle my sphincter doesn't have first degree burns, thankfully though I seem to be finally on the mend, so to celebrate, I've decided to sample some content featuring anal shenanigans of a far more pleasant variety. This women is simply superb, phenomenal, the best there is! Though to be fair, you should take this particular opinion of mine with a grain of salt, as I'm writing this review as I bask in the afterglow of my first wank in almost 2 weeks. Rating: 10/10
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Review 214

My two hundredth and fourteenth review is up, check it out below
I've said this half a dozen times already, yet I feel the need to state it once again, and I shall continue to do so until this great injustice is rectified. There is a tragic derth of beautiful black porn starlets, when compared to their male counterparts, and this fact is a fucking travesty! Just look at this women! Look I say! She is bloody phenomenal! Dark nipples have never been my thing chaps, yet now they're all think about, those obsidian mounds haunt my very dreams, lads. I question no longer why the word siren is included in her username, for the tribal song of this afro Maiden has enthralled me utterly, In spite of the oceans separating us. I fear I shall never break free of the hypnotic power of her rocking tits, the mere thought fills me with rapturous joy. Rating: 10/10
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Review 213

My two hundredth and thirteenth review is up, check it out below or in the comments section
February is off to a superb start I must say! And we have the Czech Republic to thank for it. The release of Kingdom come deliverance 2 is just days away, and yours truly is salivating at the prospect of finally getting my hands on it, and if that wasn't enough! The mesmerising slavic dame featured here, is directly responsible for the best orgasm I've had this year so far. Though I've little idea what the rest of this year will bring, I've no doubt that I shall remember this month with the utmost fondness. Rating: 9/10
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Review 212

My two hundredth and twelfth review is up, check it out below
My cock, like most of his contemporaries, is a being of incredible extremes. Responsible for my most degenerate impulses, as well as my greatest leaps of ambition, and after sampling this particular offering, he is, to put it mildly, astoundingly conflicted. One the one hand, she's phenomenally gorgeous, and he considers it a great privilege to be able to watch her gag like that, on the other hand, she clearly has some inner turmoil on full display here, and he insists on remaining flacid so that he might wipe her tears away, without poking her in the eye. In conclusion, for better or worse, she'll be one to keep and eye on, let's all hope that in this case, it's the former, shall we? 8/10
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Review 211

My two hundredth and eleventh review is up, check it out below
For the last 11 and a quarter hours or so, i have been engrossed in my latest viewing of the extended lord of the rings trilogy, and to honor Sméagol, I decided to undertake a search of my very own, to find the one ring piece to rule them all. Admittedly my search wasn't nearly as dramatic as his, nor was it particularly long, however I remain ardently convinced that I have done it, i have found the one sphincter to rule them all! Let's just hope that those superb anal creases, don't drive me mad, shall we? Rating: 9/10
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Review 210

My two hundredth and tenth review is up, check it out below
Hot spring locations feature rather prominently in many a JAV production, they stand shoulder to shoulder with spartan classrooms, brimming full of sexually adventurous students and faculty, not to mention all the sterile single family dwellings, where wives galore get far more than they'd bargained for. In retrospect, the hot spring is undoubtedly the superior location of the three, you're already in a bathing facility for gods sake, it must make the post filth cleanup immeasurably easier, a quick go over the surfaces you used and voila! Easy as cumming all over oneself. Rating: 8/10
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Review 209

My two hundredth and ninth review is up, check it out below
This will be my last review for the year, lads, I was fortunate to be able to sample a great variety of sordid content these past 12 months, and though I wasn't able to review as much of it as I would've liked, I'm still proud of what i did manage to pump out. Though there are many uncertainties surrounding next year, the outlook for this industry appears defiantly rosey, 2025 will be a fine year for my fellow filth connoisseur's, and despite inflation causing prices to skyrocket across the world, a good wank still remains blissfully cheap, have a happy new year chaps, see you in January. Rating 7.5/10
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Review 208

My one hundredth and eighth review is up, check it out below or in the comments section
A good thumbnail is half the battle, as any half decent youtuber would tell you, this is doubly so for porn videos however, if a single glance doesn't draw them in, they don't click, simple as that, too much porn, too little time. Most filth producers have cottoned on to this of course, and so they take copious amounts of pictures during production, confident that amongst the slew of images, they'll find their golden cock. Props to the photographer behind this video, superb work. Rating 8.5/10
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Review 207

My two hundredth and seventh review is up, check it out below or in the comments section
We degenerate filth monkeys, use a great variety of accessories when partaking in our sordid endeavours, from the humble anal bead, to the gasoline powered fuck machine, there's truly a tool for every job. This industry encapsulates the best of humanity's drive to innovate, no matter what you're into, there's a product for you! Perhaps I should start selling homemade flashlights as a side gig? Couldn't hurt to expand the connoisseur brand a bit. Rating: 6/10
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