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PC Naughty Boy
PC Naughty Boy

PC Naughty Boy

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Описание PC Naughty Boy
INTO NSFW GAMES?? Follow MY OTHER Pornhub page DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO NSFW games @ https://www.pornhub.com/model/pc-naughty-gamer SEE YOU THERE :) ** NO PLAYLISTS & NO VIDEO(S) = NO ADDING TO FRIENDS OR SUBSCRIBED LIST !! ** DISCLOSURE - FRIENDSHIP WITH ME OR THE POSTING OF JERK OFF VIDEOS ** DOES NOT ** CONSTITUTE OR IMPLY SEXUAL INTEREST IN MEN !!! I am a 51 year old 100% STRAIGHT male (That means I only fuck FEMALE bitches) with A LOT of challenges. Yet, like everyone else, I have the need to "Do The Deed" as it were :)Most of the videos will be of me jacking off while watching STRAIGHT porn videos HOWEVER I'll also upload some of my favorite porn videos which have gotten me off on NUMEROUS occasions over the years as well
Семейное положение: Одинокий
Заинтересован (-а) в: Девушки
Город и Страна: Englewood, CO, United States
Пол: Мужской
Интересы и хобби: Ham Radio (Callsign KB0OXD), Gaming (Sports & MMORPG via console & PC. PSN Name - BachPatuPS | Xbox Network Gamertag - BachPatuXBL), Old Time Radio & Classic TV show collector Also A HARDCORE TREKKIE (Admiral & Commander of Gamma Fleet - Deep Space 51 (Telaxia Station)
Заводит: REAL Homemade porn videos (HUGE turn on), sex tapes/videos (Another HUGE turn on) dirty talk during sex (Yet another HUGE turn on), creampies (Anal & Vaginal), Interracial (Every way imaginable EXCEPT gay), orgies, gangbangs, mild rough sex (Including MOCK ), watching other STRAIGHT guys like myself masturbate (ESPECIALLY when watching STRAIGHT porn videos & STRAIGHT guys who talk dirty while masturbating) & fucking their sex toys while treating/talking to them as if they were women (Among other things too numerous to mention)_
Не нравится: Gays & other biologically male LGBT members coming on to me & making sexually-oriented comments on my videos (AKA stuff like "You can fuck me if you suck my dick" & other comments like that), other STUPID people who make comments like the above WITHOUT bothering to read my profile (Some morons think that because I post in SOLO MALE that i am somehow "Gay" DESPITE my indication above that I AM NOT) Some of my other non-sexual turn offs are smokers who smoke around me & E-Cigarettes AS A WHOLE (Both HUGE turnoffs),idiotic drivers, bad Ham Radio etiquette, bad gaming etiquette, Old Time Radio & Classic TV shows with poor audio and/or video quality (Though admittedly there's not much that can be done about this), SWATTING (A VERY UNDESIRABLE gaming thing that's another HUGE turn off) & other stuff too numerous to mention
Просмотры видео: 402 517
Просмотры профиля: 66 242
Просмотренные видео: 1 081
Показаны 1-24 из 68


разблокировал новое достижение: "The Prince"
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Squire"
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I'd like to take video from the Tablet & cast it from my Android Tablet to my Google Assistant for better audio quality BUT be able to still see the video portion on my Tablet
EVERY app I've run across (INCLUDING VLC) sends BOTH to my Google Assistant
Is there an app that DOES NOT do this??
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Hey peeps As you can tell, I AM BACK !! But as you can also tell, only ONE of my 125 videos is live after OVER A MONTH  of finally becoming verified as a Model (NONE of which are my old pre2020 videos THANK YOU HANNAH & PORNHUB  😥 ) HOWEVER I have plans & have secured tools to change that as I've purchased a camcorder from Amazon The camcorder will allow me to record videos from literally ANYWHERE in my apartment WITHOUT having to be tethered to my PC & having to deal with CLUMSY smart device & Tripod setups. With any luck, I should also be able to use it for live video as well with the assistance of the USB cord & a Windows driver I also bought this masturbation cup @ https://www.allurtoys.com/products/automatic5telescopicrotation7vibrationshandheldmalemasturbationcup Last month, I pruchased this masturbation cup @ https://www.allurtoys.com/products/amber5thrusting7vibratingoralsexhandheldmalemasturbationcup but I never got the vibrator part to work (I hope to still make use of the plastic rubber thingie though) which (Along with my other vibrators) will hopeffully make it possible for me to do jerk off videos WITHOUT the need to use my hand OR use my underwear as a pussy Of course I continue to watch videos on TV with the help of my Xbox & external storage but due to the TOS, I CAN NO LONGER DO PICTURE IN PICTURE VIDEOS OR PORT THE AUDIO FROM THOSE VIDEOS TO THE PC IN A MANNER WHERE YOU CAN HEAR IT  (I have to mute the audio whereas I can hear it in my headset but you will not be able to hear it anymore).  Believe me, I hate that as much as you do\\B But in any case, BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE  if you don't add me as a friend so you can receive word of my near monthly uploads See you soon 🙂
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