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Jason Longdtx214
Jason Longdtx214

Jason Longdtx214

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Описание Jason Longdtx214
My home town is here in Dallas Texas!! I’m really into the art of sex obviously ,I also like to paint with oil paint on dingy dark ruff canvases, antiquing, and outdoor adventure. Sex plays a major part of our lives and our health. Sex helps with so much of the stress and anxiety that come into my life and I do consider it Art. Sex is also a healthy go to for my anxiety and depression and definitely a healthier option for me vs. a pill from a bottle. Hopefully a consistent bond with a partner/partners will develop in the near future for me. I have no problem with attracting sex, but when you have that best friend bond that is so connected that you can fart in front of them or laugh at the dumbest shit so hard that people who don’t know you are worried that two retardants have escaped the crazy hospital to terrorize a local Walmart. Somebody you can be yourself without putting up a wall or act and has you and you have there full acceptance knowing that you both are hoes 😂 but now not alone but together
Семейное положение: Одинокий
Заинтересован (-а) в: Девушки
Город и Страна: Dallas texas, United States
Пол: Мужской
Место Рождения: United States of America
Вклад: 7-9"
Рост: 5' 11" (180cm)
Вес: 188lbs. (85kg)
Этничность: White
Цвет волос: Brunette
Крайняя Плоть(обрезание): Cut
Растительность на лице: Yes
Тату: Yes
Пирсинг: No
Интересы и хобби: Love the art of sex obviously , also like to paint with oil paint and outdoor adventure. Sex plays a major part of our lives and our health. Sex helps with so much of the stress and anxiety that come into my life and I do consider it Art. Sex is also a healthy go to for my anxiety and depression and definitely a healthier option for me vs. a pill from a bottle. Hopefully a consistent bond with a partner/partners will develop in the near future for me. Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with finding one, but when you have that best friend bond that is so connected that you can fart in front of it, or laugh at the dumbest shit ever and be yourself with hardly any type of wall up and full acceptance, that’s that shit that is hard to come across. Really not sure if I will find it but I hope 🤞🏻 so
Заводит: Love latinas /white girls sucker for petite athletic thighs & booty White Socks White cotton panties Upfront honest sluts Dirty sloppy nasty don’t give a fuck as long as you filled up type of sluts That at the Same damb time keep good hygiene! That’s a must baby Red heads Brunettes Pale skin White socks, socks in general Really into any girl that is around 100lbs-180lbs depending on the height 4’.5”—-7’.9” but will still fucks with you even if your a couple inches out of the qualifying bracket upon visual inspection. Love it when she spits on that thang!!
Не нравится: liers, rude, stuck up So if you are attractive and have good hygiene and can be upfront about shit then it’s a go. Sluts don’t have to lie about their feelings to be fucked or snatched up and considered for an open relationship-marriage it’s not a problem for me, what is a problem is when they lie about it. Don’t lie and don’t be rude and be a fucking good person and if you gotta be bad or go that route for a income, then make your targets bad people please and leave the good ones alone and out of the bs. When I went to prison for robbery, I was robbing a pharmaceutical company. So in other words I didn’t feel bad for my decisions and I was just acting out of a result or human outcome of one of the products that they were pushing heavily towards me and addicting me to so…fuck off Pharma..😂🤦🏻‍♂️😂🤦🏻‍♂️
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