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Описание Cartoonographer
Content creator of sorts and to have fun. If there are any questions about the videos I make, feel free to ask. I do everything you see on here entirely on my own.
Семейное положение: Одинокий
Заинтересован (-а) в: Девушки
Город и Страна: Paradise, Canada
Пол: Мужской
Место Рождения: Canada
Рост: 5' 11" (180cm)
Вес: 215lbs. (98kg)
Этничность: White
Крайняя Плоть(обрезание): Uncut
Растительность на лице: Yes
Тату: Yes
Пирсинг: No
Интересы и хобби: Games, Movies, Astronomy, Pornography.
Заводит: Oral Sex, Up Close And Personal, Doggy Style, Missionary, Spider Sex.
Не нравится: Gay
Просмотры видео: 7 341 042
Просмотры профиля: 57 759
Просмотренные видео: 1 032
Показаны 1-24 из 24


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Finally Got Back Into my Account!

Hello everyone and Happy Belated Christmas and New Year!
I wanted to bring you all up to date that I'm just about finished updating everything I've done up to this point in terms of my video projects over on Fanvue and that site has been treating my very well since I've been on there. I'm one video away from being fully caught up and most of these videos are not on here and will only be on Fanvue.
I'm currently working on my next project which has to ETA b/c it's unscripted and just being pieced together in mind and am thinking of what more I could to add or conclude it.So until then, I'm just releasing mini side projects that are more "Spur of the Moment" Picture sets/ Videos until I get close to being fully caught up.
If you would like to see what's recent, my link is in the bio and maybe I'll see you on there. 
- Cartoonographer
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Porn Buff "
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If You'd Like to Connect/Socialize With Me....

I'm almost caught up with content that isn't on here or Patreon (I've discontinued my future on there), and it's quite a lot to digest. If you're interested in finding out more, I can be found here -  https://www.fanvue.com/cartoonographer
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I Am Now on Fanvue!

Hello to all!
I'm excited for the most part to announce that I'm now on Fanvue. Similar to OnlyFans except a site that's tailored for content creation that I specialize in. For the most part, it seems intuitive enough to use that I can upload photos and videos with ease. I was on Patreon, but due to their complicated ways with hosting on-site videos especially with NSFW, they have made it very difficult and have made me have to use an external site to host my videos on (which wouldn't always work), so to keep things all in one place, that's where you can find me. 
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Prince"
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Patreon is Ready!

Hello everyone!
Today I bring you an update regarding my Patreon. I've been adding content that I haven't yet posted here. I feel it's about as ready as it'll ever be, so feel free to check it out. patreon(dot com)/cartoonographer Hope to see over there and you enjoy what's currently available 🙂
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Moving to Patreon...

Hello again everyone!
Hope you all are having a great day/evening. As the title of this post says, I am moving over to Patreon where I can creatively do more of what I want in my own space. 
I'm still working on the fine tuning and adding stuff as I go along, but for the rest of my "yet to be" released videos, I'm going to launch them exclusively over there.
This may or may not seem like a deterrent to want to continue watching my content, but this is the direction I want to go. 
The content I have still yet to upload is something I worked hard on and Pornhub will not allow me to monetize anything as I keep being abundantly reminded.
If you wish to support me over there, I will link it here as soon as I feel like it's adequate enough for "Public Viewing". 
I appreciate the support/ views/ likes/ favorites and many more that I've received on my current videos; these will remain on my channel, but as goes for future content, they will only be seen on Patreon.
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2 лет назад
I am so excited for this ...I love your videos ..congrats on the move ..is the link ready
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- Загружено 1 новое видео!
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