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Чувственный Дом в нижнем белье зашнуровывает корсет своей Сисси, прежде чем привязать свою распутную задницу к дивану

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3 лет назад
WOW. Another added to my favorites list. Does he ever cum hands free from those perfect pegging sessions? I almost did just watching it...LOL
2 лет назад
try building it up for a few days and edging first
3 лет назад
He has yet to cum from prostate stimulation alone but we will never stop trying!
3 лет назад
I hope more women will come to find men in lingerie/heels attractive. The idea that your partner has the ability to express himself like this for you is absolutely amazing! Phenomenal job on the video. 3
3 лет назад
I hope that it becomes more mainstream too, need myself a top/dom girlfriend, who can make my cum like a sissy slut girl.
3 лет назад
Aw thank you so much! I think the most important part of all of that isn't so much that the partner needs to find them attractive in it so much as they need to find their partner's joy in expressing themselves and feeling sexy in lingerie to be attractive. Just like with any of our bdsm play, most of the time we get off on the other person enjoying what they're doing. Though I do think Aiden looks great in lingerie, I'm more so into it because it makes him feel good.
3 лет назад
Girl you fuck amazing, had only one girlfriend who could fuck well with a harness. I would call you daddy while fucking for sure😉
3 лет назад
This is the most sensual pegging I've ever seen. You both have beautiful bodies and the passion is evident.
3 лет назад
Well damn....thank you! We absolutely love what we do so we're so happy to hear that the passion translates!
3 лет назад
I love your bgm. I love all your videos!!
3 лет назад
Thanks! Music is a big part of our lives so it's always fun for us to fuck to stuff we love.
3 лет назад
Hot guys! What kind of dildo is that? The size looks perfect. And also what lube do you use?
3 лет назад
Thanks! So that is an old 9" Pipedream that they sadly no longer make, which really sucks because it's time for us to replace that one. And our go-to lube these days is X-lube.
3 лет назад
My dream right here
3 лет назад
Very hot ! I love your unique hips movement! Your "bitch boy" is a Champ , very well trained! My wife must learn this hips movement1
3 лет назад
Best pegging on ph, I do wonder how you can even fuck him like that, like it's the strapon softer or do you guys do a lot of stretching beforehand? I usually take a strapon of similar size but I don't know how to take it as well as you guys do
3 лет назад
Sorry for the lat response! He's been training for the better part of f.ifteen yrs so it's not hard for him to take a pounding. Also all of our dildos are softer platinum silicone so they're more pliable.
3 лет назад
This is amazing, I have loved every video I've seen so far. Both of you are lucky to have found someone that enjoys the same as you. The outfits your wearing are so hot and tbh I haven't even been able to last a whole video of you two together. Guess you can say what you two have would be a life goal for me. Plz keep making these!
3 лет назад
Sorry for the late response and thank you so much! : ) We have made a lot of videos over the last t.wo years but 99% of them are exclusive to our Onlyfans page. We will keep uploading here as much as we can though!

Плейлисты, содержащие Чувственный Дом в нижнем белье зашнуровывает корсет своей Сисси, прежде чем привязать свою распутную задницу к дивану

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