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Описание Glitched_Lust
Hello! Names Glitched Lust or well a artwork I made haha, I am a 3D artist of a entertainer but wanted to make something completely different which lead me here! If you like my artwork or future animation on blender or sfm then welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay! If you like to support me more you can send some funds to me on my paypal if you like! paypal.me/GlitchedLust
Семейное положение: Женат/замужем
Заинтересован (-а) в: Парни и Девушки
Город и Страна: Colorado, United States
Пол: Мужской
Интересы и хобби: 3D animations and Modeling Listening to music Accordions Model Trains Gaming(steam,Xbox,Nintendo switch)
Просмотры видео: 8 987
Просмотры профиля: 2 616
Просмотренные видео: 374
Показаны 1-3 из 3


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Back from a week break

Hello one and all! I am back from my week back. I wont explain but I will say that before I went on break I have been working on another animation and scene one is done I believe, Ill have to check the session but other than that I have also been working on some commissions from fellow friends and will also be posted here once I finish the models. See you guys on the next upload!
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загрузил(-а) 1 новых фотографий
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Small update

Hello and all! Glitch here. I just like to say that I appreciated the support even tho I hardly like my own work, everyday I want to improve my work style in animation and modelling. force of habits i blame haha! While I enjoy talking my skills to the next level I just feel no motivation to work on any as this type of subject is so completely new and I have to follow new rules which I do respect. Its slightly difficult for me to work as I don't know if I am doing something wrong. as of now projects are gonna be very slow but if you like to see what im up to I do have a twitter and can be active there. The name is the same here, Just look for a circus rabbit pfp
Thats all I have to say. I'll be sure to continue posting some fun animation whenever I have the time. 
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разблокировал новое достижение: "The Squire"
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разблокировал новое достижение: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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загрузил(-а) 0 новых фотографий
- Загружено 1 новое видео!
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Update Progress

Hell one and all! Glitched here, and I wanna say that I do apologize for a lack of...videos. I've been busy working on other personal and passion projects that I put about 2% effort on making adult content, not saying it looks trash I do put a lot of love and effort to my animation but it's just that these take time and patient as I am not fully aware on these movements. I work on musical videos which will never be posted ere cuz I know what you people like and don't like it just jumble my mad head of mine with many ideas that I juggle with. I am quite good with face expression, really easy but making the body interact with object will take time as I never done that in my time with 3D animation, I've tried juggling and it's still difficult to work with. there's gonna be trial and errors showing up in videos that i cannot fix, if it's there it's there. Nothing i can do expect improve in the near future, just wanna point that out.I plan on releasing 2 videos. another test animation but it's about 1 minute long last I checked. And a holiday video, It's still being worked on but I can think fast thanks to my ADHD. I hope you see what I create, I take art on a very serious level. That's all I have, Have a very wonderful Holiday everyone! 
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Future content

First post here, so for starters I am a online entertainer that plays a role of a fun crazy rabbit jester as that is my personality. I love making musical animated content a I myself love music but since this site has different rules those ideas are quite hard for me to come up with. So I am thinking that oll do some gaming content that can be posted here without any restriction(as long as i follow PH TOS). Most gaming content will include commentary an non-commentary depending on which game I play! I do hope to bring this new found skill to use an be more "serious" as I am more professional on being a mad nutcase on youtube. But it wont make me not joke around a bit here and there! Once a madman always will be, but then again who doesnt like crazy?
hope to see ya'll soon! 
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