Need to watch every scene on Pornhub starring your favorite pornstar? Want to see to if the girl who rocks your world rocks the rest of the world too? Need to discover a new hottie porn starlet to rock it to?
We've just launched an exciting new feature: Browsing porn by Pornstars!
In the Top Trending Pornstars box you will see the pornstars who have gained the most views that day.
In the bottom right corner of each pornstar picture you'll notice their overall popularity rank on Pornhub.

Check out how your favorite pornstars are ranking in the Most Popular list and discover some new favorites. You can also sort by Most Viewed, Alphabetical and Number of Videos. When you hover over the "Most Viewed" button a drop down will appear to filter by daily, weekly, monthly or all time.
Let me know what you think about this feature in the comments and tell me who your top pornstar is!