You may recognize the name JackPlusJill from our Top Earners list, especially since this hedonist couple secured a top-20 spot on Modelhub for 12 months in row!
So to celebrate their success, this week on Model Citizens, we passed the mic over to Jack and Jill and asked them how they met, how their relationship changed since becoming PH Models, who they are when the camera is turned off, what fetishes are on their bucket list, and more.
So keep on reading and get to know Jack and Jill a little more.
How long have you and your partner been in the industry and with Pornhub? What convinced you both to join?
We have been live streaming for about 6 years on and made an account with Pornhub in November of 2018. We waited to sell videos on Pornhub due to fear of mainstream exposure. Up until a few months ago, Jack and I both worked our regular jobs five days a week (he's part-time now) and worked our industry job on the weekends; it's a pace we kept for five years until it started driving us crazy. I made the decision to begin industry work out of desperation to pay off my $90,000 student loan from my MS. Even though Jack and I both made good careers for ourselves, we had bigger plans for our future and realized that we needed to find a way to increase our earnings or drown in student loan interest. We never thought our adult industry work would turn into a full-time gig.
Has your perception of the industry changed since joining? Have you ever had any second thoughts?
It's changed so much. We both immensely respect the time, energy, and emotional baggage that comes with putting yourself out there for people to view; the constant need to evolve and innovate in order to maintain a loyal captive audience. We’ve seen how the industry can change people for better or worse and how high the turnover is. We love what we do, but it's not like we are curing cancer; we've seen firsthand how prideful people can become. We have had second thoughts and feel like we would have regretted it if we would not have become successful.

Courtesy of JackPlusJill
How has your relationship changed since joining the industry? Do you keep your work life and personal life separate?
We like to think our relationship has evolved. It subtly changes over time until something makes you realize it. We honestly do not know anyone else we could have done this with. We have complementing strengths and weaknesses and are able to strike a balance as a whole. Industry work has forced us to have a lot of vulnerable conversations and even some uncomfortable moments, but it's these instances when you truly find out who your partner is.
We chose to keep our personal life and industry life separate when possible — keeping people in our personal life on a need-to-know basis. We've never had a threesome off camera and people are surprised to hear this. This really keeps our films genuine, fresh, and exciting for us and our viewers — we cherish our off-camera time together.
What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about the industry you wish you could change?
Probably that we're all having nonstop sex 100% of the time, that "porn" is the only thing industry people are involved in, and that adult actors are only doing this because we experienced some sort of trauma in our lives. Aside from having sex for everyone to see, industry folks are remarkably normal people. We lose sleep, work hard, get anxious — we're people, not commodities.
How did you two meet?
I met Jack at the apartment complex I was living in after finishing graduate school and moving from the east coast. I would pass by him in the hallway on the way to the mailbox or elevator.
I thought he was a great conversationalist, tall, humble, intelligent, and handy, so I asked him to help me set some things up in my apartment. He says he was playing "the long game," but I think he was too scared to ask me out. There was acute sexual tension in the air every time we spoke. I went out on a limb and asked him to be my cam partner and that's how we started out. It was convenient because neither one of us was feeling vulnerable enough to be in a relationship at the time, even though we both knew deep down we were in love. We've been married for 4 years now.
What have you learned about yourselves since joining the industry?
How important it is to maintain a positive attitude even when met with conflict, difficult people, and situations. How you're nothing without the people willing to watch you. How facing your fears can lead to enormous personal growth. We have come to realize how impactful sharing genuine moments with others can be, and how cathartic being vulnerable and honest can be.
What has been one of the funniest moments while working?
We met and worked with Kim and Paolo from MySweetApple back in July. They were in town for XBIZ in LA and it was just a short flight for us. We felt instantly comfortable with each other and ended up putting on a great live show. During the show, we decided to take a break outside. While I was getting dressed, Kim and Paolo walked out back completely nude. I received several text messages about "the house rules." Turns out, there were cameras outside the home and the host got a good look at naked Kim and Paolo. It was pretty hilarious!

Courtesy of JackPlusJill
How do you two prep before filming?
Like all great couples, we've noticed there is a "division of labor." In our relationship, it’s mostly Jack who takes care of the technical aspects of our shows and adjusts lighting and lenses and preps the toys. I'm typically more preoccupied with the setting and I brief our talent. Consent is part of our routine — we stop filming midway before things get too "serious" to make sure everyone is okay with what is about to happen. Some people claim it can be a mood killer, but we only have guests perform at the level they feel comfortable with, which is a standard we always hold ourselves to. We want every scene to be unique and we never want to push someone beyond their limits.
Are there any fetishes on your bucket list you’d like to try but haven’t done yet?
We're hedonists, so we're preoccupied with pleasure. When someone walks on our set, their sexual fantasies become ours because we believe that watching someone achieve their fantasy is the apex of a sexual experience. We’ve dabbled in sensory deprivation and would like to delve a little deeper. We would love to enjoy some public exhibitionism and even try out more group sexual-oriented experiences. We also love experimenting with aphrodisiacs and substances that influence your sexual experience and it's a project we're currently working on now. In all of our latest shows, we've consumed horny goat weed with our guests prior to “getting to business.”
How are you and Jack different and similar? How would you describe your work and your relationship dynamic?
Not to exaggerate, but we’re basically opposites. We have dissimilar communication styles and problem-solving styles. I have an extremely high emotional IQ and Jack can be, at times, coldly logical about obstacles we face. This used to be a (big) challenge for us, but now it works to our advantage; most of the time, our two perspectives really map out an entire emotional setting and logical solution.
What kind of scenes do you most enjoy shooting?
We cherish the intimate chemistry and comfort that comes with doing couples scenes, but we both love shows where we have a total amateur. There is nothing like observing someone having a new sexual experience live, and it's an absolute honor to have someone trust us with their first threesome experience. For this reason, we often put in extra effort to make sure they feel comfortable and their needs are met.
Tell us something about yourself your fans would be surprised to learn.
Jack is a night owl and I’m a morning person. I was originally a music major my first year in college and am an accomplished harpist and voice performer. I'm also a sexuality coach. Jack is an environmental scientist by occupation and education and is a big aquaponics enthusiast. We both have our MS degrees and have goals that branch out well beyond the adult industry.

Courtesy of JackPlusJill
When you’re not working, what could we find you doing?
After living about 7 years in a one-bedroom apartment, we finally decided to move and buy a house. Our current focus is to make our new home reflect us. We also love spending time outdoors with our dog and have future plans for lots of travel. We always make time for hot baths together, that's where we have some of our best conversations and brainstorming sessions.
What does a typical day look like for you?
It really depends on what day of the week it is. We generally restrict our adult industry work to weekends and one weekday, but answering e-mails and filling orders on our fan club site always overlaps into the other days of the week. Jack now works 2 days a week remotely, which has changed his weekday schedule significantly. Most days start around 8 am with coffee, reading emails, and filling out video orders.
Lately, we’ve been spending a great deal of time during the week preparing our new studio. We're liable to get stuck on social media (something we try not to do too much of), making phone calls, and going out and about in our new town recruiting models for scenes. We always try to make time for the gym and sauna, and regularly brainstorm new ideas. Our weekends start at 8 am preparing for our live show on Chaturbate at 11 am PST.
What has been your biggest success and biggest struggle thus far?
Our biggest success is our ability to maintain such a strong bond as a couple. We push each other to improve as people and as performers. We believe our relationship alone is a huge reason why we are able to manage life's hurdles successfully and it represents one of our biggest successes in life.
Our biggest struggle is time management and long-term vision for our life. There is always so much do and not enough time. The biggest struggle has been deciding what path to walk between adult work and vanilla jobs, walking both of those paths simultaneously, and feeling like we have to commit to one over the other. It's a problem we still haven't solved.
How do you use social media to promote your work?
Social media is probably one of our weaknesses. Initially, we resisted getting a social media account and for years, we kept our @_Jackplusjill_ Twitter locked private for fear of being outed. Years later, we are much more "out," but neither one of us has a strong desire or the confidence required to post pictures of ourselves publicly. Jack maintains his own social media account @Tradeofalljaks, but says he doesn’t post nearly as much as he should. In the last year, we finally started promoting our videos and online content a little more.
How do you deal with online criticism?
We deal with it differently. Criticism is the elephant in the room or it's a wave barreling toward you. Addressing it or running toward it is often times the best solution. We specifically solicit people for "constructive criticism." If someone's critique is not constructive, we do our best to ignore it. There are people out there that derive excitement from insulting adult performers and we do our best not to let them get a reaction out of us. We want to improve the quality of our films, but at the end of the day, you cannot please everyone. We are proud to have the largest fan club on Chaturbate, but also know we would not be able to maintain that status if we were not open to criticism and the opinions of our customers.

Courtesy of JackPlusJill
You’ve made the Top 20 Earners list on Modelhub every month in 2019, so what do you accredit your success to?
That's something we're proud of. We care about the quality of work and truly want our fans to see the most genuine kind of porn. We make our content educational as we are constantly perfecting the art of seduction; walking our viewers and guests through each step. A great deal of our show is sparking conversation about sex and we invite all types of opinions and knowledge. It's raw, unfiltered, and we are not afraid to stray away from the tricky questions we get. We are both hedonists and want both our viewers and guests to indulge with us.
How do you use the features on Pornhub and Modelhub to your advantage?
We like to use it to keep up with our fans, for networking, and to see who is doing what. We want people to reach out to us and tell us who they want us to work with, and find others in the industry to work with. Pornhub is a community and that's what we like about it!
What kind of advice can you give to new Models?
Diversify — it's not enough to be active in one area of this industry. Use your affiliate links, own as much of your own content as possible, and listen to your viewers. The customer is [almost] always right.
What kind of advice would you give to Models who join the industry as a team/couple?
Be honest with each other, share goals, and work together. Develop a collective communication style — they will help you avoid conflicts and distractions. Learn from your mistakes and admit when you're wrong. Leave your pride at the door and trust your partner until they give you a reason not to.
If you could go back in time to when you started, what kind of advice would you give yourself?
Limit distractions in your life, take this more seriously, and use your time wisely. Aging in this industry is one of the most humbling experiences of our lives. While we still have a lot of time left in the industry, time will slip through your fingers if you allow it to. Make the most of life and experience as much as you can.
Where do you hope to see your career in the next 5 years?
We would like to have a more active studio where we shoot scenes together and with other people. With my recent certification in sexuality coaching, I would like to have couples retreats and individual coaching sessions to help others. Jack wants to build his aquaponics farm and grow sustainable cannabis. We want to take more of an advisory role in the industry, help others get started, and cast light on the people who deserve it.